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New Study Confirms the Many Benefits of Receiving an Expunction

We at Easy Expunctions know that clearing your record can present a wealth of opportunities. A new study conducted by University of Michigan Law professors has yielded some very interesting results.

Rommy Kassim

We at Easy Expunctions know that clearing your record can present a wealth of opportunities. But until now, we haven't had concrete evidence of the positive effects of receiving an expunction. A new study conducted by University of Michigan Law professors has yielded some very interesting results.
The professors obtained de-identified data on expunction recipients in Michigan and compared it to that of non-recipients. The most notable finding was that those who receive expunctions have very low subsequent crime rates. This means that those who have cleared their record were able to stay crime-free, a stark contrast to the high reoffense rates of those who carry a criminal record.

"We find very low rates of recidivism: just 6% of all set-aside recipients are rearrested within five years of receiving their set-aside (and only 2% are rearrested for violent offenses), while reconviction rates are even lower. Indeed, set-aside recipients' recidivism rates compare favorably with the Michigan population as a whole. Id. at 4."

This data debunks public-safety objections and arguments that removing convictions or arrests from an individual's record will put others at risk.

Another major empirical finding sheds light on the positive impact individuals can experience post-expunction: Those who obtain expunctions were sent on an upward employment trajectory and received a 25% increase in wages in just two years. This can likely be explained by a clear background check that comes with expunctions, it's much easier to find high-paying jobs when you don't have a criminal history readily available for employers to consider.

One slightly disheartening finding was the "uptake rate," which is the rate that those who are eligible actually pursue expunctions. They found that only 6.5% of subjects obtained expunctions. This is due to lack of information as well as the timely and costly nature of the process, something that we at Easy Expunctions actively combat.

With the release of this study, those who create policies now have definitive evidence of the positive impact of expunctions. We're hopeful that they'll use this information to fuel efforts to make expunctions more accessible for more crimes.

If you believe you're eligible for an expunction, there's no time like the present to get started. We have the power to help you get your life back on track, call us at 866-899-0266 to get started with a free background report.