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Indiana Law Concealing Many Eviction Filing Records Now In Effect

Starting July 1st, tenants in Indiana can now seek expungement for past eviction filings. The eviction expungement bill, Indiana House Enrolled Act 1214, was recently passed by the Indiana state legislature. The bill will now allow those with previous eviction filings to file an expungement.

Rommy Kassim

Starting July 1st, tenants in Indiana can now seek expungement for past eviction filings. The Indiana state legislature recently passed the eviction expungement bill, Indiana House Enrolled Act 1214. The bill will allow those with previous eviction filings to file an expungement. The bill does not apply to those evicted; however, it applies to those whose eviction filings were dismissed, ruled in their favor, or overturned on appeal.

Tenants can quickly seal their eviction filings by completing an eviction expungement form, which can be found at Those who need help filling out the paperwork can contact Indiana Legal Services, a non-profit law firm that provides free legal aid to low-income residents. Tenants can file for expungement of any eviction filing, regardless of the year. However, expungements can only be filed if the court did not issue judgment where the tenant owes the landlord money in an eviction case.

Many tenants face the burden of dealing with eviction filings, as it can deter landlords from approving housing applications. Act 1214 can help those unfairly punished for eviction cases dismissed or ruled in the tenant's favor.

Easy Expunctions provides fast and affordable expunctions. Visit today to see if you're eligible!