Alabama wants to help those who have criminal records redeem themselves and find second chances to move forward. Under a new act, people who have long-ago convictions for certain low-level crimes will have the opportunity to receive expunctions.
Eli Savit, the prosecutor for Washtenaw County, Michigan, has announced that his office will no longer charge people for low-level drug use, possession, or distribution that involves marijuana or magic mushrooms.
The District Attorney's Office has partnered with the Stanford Computational Policy Lab on computer software that redacts all identifying information from cases until after it has been decided whether to charge or drop a case.
One past mistake shouldn't dictate the direction of your future. House Bills 4219 and 4220 will grant deserving Michiganders a second chance at a clean criminal record by allowing certain first-time drunk driving convictions to be expunged five years after an individual's probation ends.
As part of an infrastructure bill passed in August, the U.S. Senate approved provisions allowing scientists to study marijuana purchased from state-legal dispensaries instead of relying solely on government-grown cannabis.